+DEV+ Peace as Prayers Rise
Feb X, 2022 at X:XX AM CST Topic: +DEV+ Peace as Prayers Rise Peace as Prayers Rise "But I call to God, and the LORD saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice." Psalm 55:16-17 Scripture Focus: Genesis 21:16-17 Without water, lost, and alone in the desert, Hagar sobbed as her son was about to die. The God Who Listens was not far off. He "heard the boy crying" (Genesis 21:17). In His love and mercy, He provided water and a promise for Hagar and young Ishmael. A friend of mine with five children was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. At a point when he did not know if he would survive the disease, another friend commented to him that if he himself were ill and his future uncertain, his greatest fear would be that no one would pray for his children the way a father would. The faithful, confident reply from my sick friend was life-changing for me. He said, "I know my prayers are constantly rising...