Ordained Minister looking to find a small rural church near Rolla Missouri to serve as its pastor


I believe tat Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died vicariously on a roman cross, arose from the dead on the third day, many saw him for 45 days and then ascended into heaven with the promise to send the Holy Spirit to help and guide us and that he would return in the same manner. He commissioned his disciples (us) to proclaim the Gospel (good news) to all. I believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, as a separate and distinct ministry of the third person in the Holy Trinity. After some 25 years of study in end times events, I believe Jesus is about to return as the prophecies are becoming headline news today. All key points are now in place for the Antichrist to take the stage of the World. However I also believe the antichrist is held back by Christians, which will soon be removed (raptured) at which time he will step in and supposedly cure all our problems and every one left will ohh and ahh about him all but a few. There will be a group of 144,000 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel that will be untouchable and will at the speed of thought go world wide preaching the Gospel. Also there will be 2 witnesses that will be in Jerusalem and will preach for 3.5 years and anyone who tries to stop them fire will come from the and kill those who are trying to kill them. (I believe them to be Elijah and Enoch as they are the only two who never died [Just my opinion]). Gee this is getting long. so there it is "WHAT I BELIEVE".
If you want a pastor who will teach the uncompromised Word of the Bible and stick with, love you through thick and thin, Pray daily for you. 
Then contact me anytime at n0klu@yahoo.com and we can talk.


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