+DEV+ Hammock Sleeping


Aug 24, 2021 at 1:44 AM CST

Topic: +DEV+  Hammock Sleeping

Hammock Sleeping

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

Scripture Focus: Colossians 3:1-17 

The guys’ staff bunk situation at the camp where my friend worked was not ideal. He chose a hammock where he could read, stargaze, reflect, and sleep peacefully alone. If you’ve ever tried resting in a hammock, you may wonder how he found it comfortable. Honestly, it took three years to perfect the art of hammock sleeping. Pitch, angle, material, support, line tension and length, center of gravity, adjustment interval, height, knots, and anchor are just a few of the vital components needed to perfectly adjust a hammock for a decent night’s sleep. Without investing the time to adjust the sling, I’d never sleep well. However, the perfect balance left me never wanting to return to a conventional mattress again!

The Christian walk is a bit like that. We must invest time in our relationship with Christ, seek Him. Without prayer and reflection in His Word, we will never be as comfortable with sharing or even admitting our faith to our friends than if we took the time to continually tune our faith. It is work, but the rewards are incalculable.

Insight: Though we may not always be faithful to God, his loving faithfulness to us is undying and ever-present

It is our hopes and prayers that these devotions will bring people to Jesus as Savior and have a deeper meaningful relationship with the Lord.

If you have prayer requests for anything please email us and we will pray for them.

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

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Michael D. Inman


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