+DEV+ Revelation


Aug 30, 2021 at 12:25 AM CST

Topic: +DEV+  Revelation


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ...Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”  John 1:1, 3

Scripture Focus: Psalm 104

God’s revelation is manifest in two ways: His natural revelation and His special revelation. His natural revelation can be marveled at by anyone, anywhere. Humanity portrays Him by bearing His image. His handiwork is displayed from the orbits of celestial bodies around the center of the galaxy to the orbits of electrons around the nucleus of atoms. My friend worked as camp naturalist on Florida Island as he described, where the intricacies both in the geology and the biology of the island are almost endless. The sheer number of endemic species found nowhere else on Earth makes this island a playground for scientists, some of whom have dedicated their lives to its study.

However, we have an even more astounding revelation, a special revelation to which all God’s natural revelation points. It’s in His written Word, the source of truth. Dedicating our lives to studying it makes us not only stand in awe, but gives us hope that, when everything turns back to dust at the end of time, we will live in a magnificent new heaven and new earth.

Insight: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” John 1:1

It is our hopes and prayers that these devotions will bring people to Jesus as Savior and have a deeper meaningful relationship with the Lord.

If you have prayer requests for anything please email us and we will pray for them.

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Michael D. Inman


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