+DEV+ No Peace in Perfectionism


April 25, 2022 at 2:15 AM CST

Topic: +DEV+  No Peace in Perfectionism

No Peace in Perfectionism

"And now I will show you the most excellent way."   1 Corinthians 12:31

Scripture Focus: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7

We often put pressure on ourselves and  others to be perfect. We have expectations in our families, marriages, work settings, classrooms, and  so on of consistent, no-slip, stellar performance. These are hard standards to impose on flawed, sinful human beings. 

Perfectionism is one way people who feel devalued attempt to establish their worth. But it's a miserable self-appointment, both for the perfectionist and those who  must live with him or her. A home can be shipwrecked by the crippling tension created from unrealistic demands. When perfectionism rules, someone is (or many people are) brought down. 

The "most excellent way" Paul speaks of is through showing love that is patient and kind, that does not boast or act proud, that keeps no record of wrongs. When this kind of love  fills a home or other setting, peace washes over everyone. Remember that this love has washed over you. You've received it perfectly in Jesus. 

Don't be crushed under your failures. Be encouraged that Jesus gives His perfect record for you!  

Insight: Need some peace in your busy, chaotic, less-than- perfect life? Read Matthew 11:28-30 right now. Jesus invites you to come to Him and find rest.

It is our hopes and prayers that these devotions will bring people to Jesus as Savior and have a deeper meaningful relationship with the Lord.

If you have prayer requests for anything please email us and we will pray for them.

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Michael D. Inman


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